Registration, made easy.

Registration, made easy.

Registration, made easy.

Ready? Set?

Team Name (if not applicable type "FREE AGENT" below)

Instagram Handle (used for tagging on posts)



Please keep in mind, this is a registration for teams that already have 10-14 players or more, and at least 1 girl on roster to meet registration requirements.

If you are a team struggling to hit the 10 player mark or 1 girl requirement please DM us on Instagram @smffl

After submitting and pressing "make payment now", you will be redirected to the payment processing website.

Please keep in mind, this is a registration for teams that already have 12-14 players or more, and at least 1 girl on roster to meet registration requirements, or free agents .

If you are a team struggling to hit the 10 player mark or 1 girl requirement please DM us on Instagram @smffl

After submitting and hitting "make payment now"., you will be redirected to a secure payment website to lock in your registration, failure to pay will cause your registration to be denied, unless you are on a team that already paid the team registration fee.